DSCN1916CSUCI’s Project ACCESO Summer Research Institute provides small teams of students an opportunity to conduct research with CI faculty in the STEM disciplines.
Our Summer Research Institute Team, comprising ESRM faculty and CI and Community College Undergraduates explores human, biotic and abiotic factors influencing sandy beach infaunal and bird communities along the Southern California Coast.



Human Subjects Training for surveys – Please print your certificate as a pdf and upload to the shared google drive folder here


Background Information and Readings

Coastal Clash (video)  General introduction to coastal issues in Southern California, particularly issues of coastal access.


Beaches as habitat (video, skip to 4m40s to start)

Sand crab morphology

Parasite infection and sand crab burrowing time

Coastal Geomorphology:

Beach A River of Sand (video)

Littoral Cells, Sand Budgets and Beaches


Links to Previous Posters

WSN poster 2014 final draft.pptxSlide1

CSUCI Summer Institute 2013 Sandy Beach-Birds(small)

CSUCI Summer Institute 2013 Sandy Beach-Geomorphology(small)

CSUCI Summer Institute 2013 Sandy Beach-Inverts(small)

CSUCI Summer Institute 2013 Sandy Beach-Overview(small)

CSUCI Summer Institute 2014 geomorphology poster

CSUCI Summer Institute 2014 Infauna Poster